Axis, 2022
Smoked Stoneware, 3D Ceramic Print
9 x 9 x 2 inches

Woven Coordinates, 2022
Smoked Stoneware, 3D Ceramic Print, Yarn
4 x 10 x 10 inches

In All Directions, 2021
Smoked Stoneware, 3D Ceramic Print
6 x 5 x 6 inches

Eight Pointed Star, 2023
Smoked Stoneware, 3D Ceramic Print
9 x 9 x 20 inches

All New Coordinates, 2022
Smoked Stoneware, 3D Ceramic Print
9 x 9 x 3 inches

In All Directions, 2021
Smoked Stoneware, 3D Ceramic Print
7 x 7 x 4 inches

Pointing Star, 2023
Smoked Stoneware, 3D Ceramic Print
16 x 16 x 20 inches, two pieces

Axis, 2022
Smoked Stoneware, 3D Ceramic Print
9 x 9 x 3 inches

Photos: Ian Byer-Gamber and Ruben Diaz

In All Directions is a series of black stoneware ceramics starting from 2021 created with a custom 3D printer, extruding layers of clay in a process reminiscent of traditional coil pot construction, to create multi-directional compasses. These multidirectional forms reimagine the compass star, serving as new points of origin that disrupt conventional notions of direction and the X, Y, and Z coordinate system used in digital modeling. Each digital compass gestures toward a limitless array of directions, breaking existing spatial orientation. Individually pit-fired and wood-smoked, they capture subtle carbon tones, adding depth and grounding to their conceptual exploration of space and movement.





